Devin Shea

Hello, my name is Devin Shea. I started at CWDR in January of 2024. I am currently a senior at Central Washington University studying to be a middle school STEM teacher.  STEM stands for science technology engineering and math. One of the fundamental keys of my education program has been letting students learn at their own pace. Self discovery is one of the best teachers in the world if we let students discover things on their own. I believe this policy aligns strongly with CWDR and other CIL independent living philosophies.

Outside of work I love the outdoors, especially fishing, but it truly doesn’t matter if I'm just sitting in the woods thinking or reeling in a massive fish. I love almost everything about the outdoors. I'm also huge into music. At heart, my favorite is country, but I love all genres and listen to a lot of music. I recently restored and modernized a 1920s record player (it does karaoke and bluetooth now). I listen to most of my music on that.


Terence Paddlety


Deja Blanchard