Meet the Staff

Many of us have disabilities, and we are committed to supporting those in the disability community as they learn skills and make connections needed to lead a fulfilling life. We lead with empathy, respect, and treat everyone with dignity. Everyone can learn to be independent enough to eventually be in a position to give back to others.

  • Picture of the executive director, a 32-year-old Hispanic woman wearing a black shirt and jacket. Dark long hair, smiling at the camera, wearing red lipstick.

    Mayra Colazo

    She/ Her/ Ella

    Executive Director

  • Picture of the Program Manager, a 26 year old white non-binary person. They have dark green hair with black roots, and grey eyes. They are smiling at the camera and wearing a black short sleeve top.

    Jaelyn McMahan, B.A


    Program Manager

  • Yeni Barrientos


    Office Assistant

  • White adult male wearing a black hat and black coat facial hair, blue eyes, black glasses

    Dan Witkowski, B.A


    Health and Wellness Coordinator

  • Picture of IL Specialist. She is a hispanic women with medium length dark brown hair and brown eyes. Wearing a blue formal top over a black tank top and smiling at the camera

    Jeannette Ibarra-Ortega


    Independent Living Specialist

  • Caucasian female with medium length brown hair, wearing a grey sweater

    Jennifer Kunce


    Independent Living Specialist 3

  • Terence is a 43-year-old Navtive American/Caucasian man with short dark hair with flecks of grey. He a a friendly smile , stubbly face and wearing a black coat over black polo shirt standing outside a beige building on a winter's day.

    Terence Paddlety


    Veteran Coach

  • A white 23-year-old male with short brown hair and a red goatee in a gray polo. He is smiling.

    Devin Shea


    Youth Transition Coordinator

  • Picture of nonbinary person, 36-year-old, heavy set, round face, a short brown buzz cut. Wearing black glasses, green ear guages, and a green hoodie that says Central Washington Disability Resources.

    Deja Blanchard


    Disability Specialist

  • Picture of the digital navigator. He is Caucasian and has brown eyes, and red hair. He is wearing a black jacket with a blue vest underneath, and smiling at the camera.

    Kenia Morales


    Covid 19 Program Advocate