Jennifer Kunce

Independent Living Specialist 3

Hello, my name is Jennifer Kunce. I was hired as the new IL Specialist here at CWDR in June 2023. I have a Law Enforcement background and look forward to applying the skills I learned there to my new position. I have had training in interpersonal communication, Crisis Intervention, and conflict resolution, all things that I can easily apply to working with our consumers. When not at work, I spend most of my time with my two dogs and my husband traveling around Washington and Oregon, hiking the easy trails, or curled up watching movies. I also try to volunteer at Spirit Therapeutic Riding Center here in Ellensburg, at least once a week, helping disabled participants learn about horses, horsemanship, and riding skills. I look forward to being a part of this amazing team that gives back so much to our consumers and our community.


Jeannette Ibarra-Ortega


Terence Paddlety