County Outreach

Our outreach efforts aim to engage and support marginalized communities, with a particular focus on individuals with disabilities. Through targeted initiatives, we strive to increase awareness, access, and inclusion by connecting these communities with essential resources and services.

Key components of our outreach strategy include:

  • Tabling Events: Actively participating in community events to provide information, answer questions, and connect individuals with available services.

  • Community Presentations: Conducting educational sessions tailored to diverse communities, ensuring they are informed about programs and resources that support individuals with disabilities.

  • Flyer Distribution: Sharing informative materials in key community spaces to reach a broader audience and enhance accessibility to critical services.

We aim to bridge gaps in service access and foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with disabilities and other marginalized groups.

Please inform us if you have an upcoming tabling event, are interested in a presentation for your staff, or would like to distribute our agency brochures to your participants. We would be pleased to collaborate and provide relevant resources to support your community. Email us at

Staff Contacts


Community Advocacy


Covid-19 Related Programs and Services